スペック | ||
キャリア | SoftBank | |
機種 | K4 | |
通信方法 | SoftBank 4G LTE / SoftBank 4G | |
サイズ | 約126(W) × 68(H) × 12.1(D) mm | |
1日の容量制限を超えると通信速度が128kbpsに制限され、低速化となります。 |
1.1 |
予約される前に必ず本利用規約をお読みください。 本サービスにかかるWebサイト(以降「本サイト」)から送迎サービスをご予約いただいた時点で、本利用規約に同意していただいたものとみなし、当社とお客様との間で本サービスにかかる契約(以降「利用契約」)が成立します。 また本利用規約については、お客様とサプライヤーとの間の送迎サービスに関する契約(以降「送迎サービス契約」)に対しても適用されますので注意してお読みください。 |
1.2 |
当社は送迎サービスを提供する会社ではありません。お客様は、お客様と送迎サービスにかかる契約を締結する当事者がサプライヤーであることを確認し、送迎サービスを利用する際には、サプライヤーが定めるルールを十分に確認のうえ利用するものとします。また、送迎サービスに関しお客様とサプライヤーとの間でトラブルや事故が発生した場合でも、本利用規約で定める範囲を超えて当社は責任を負わないものとします。 本サイトより送迎サービスに関する予約を行った場合、サプライヤーがお客様に対し送迎サービスの提供を行うことについて同意していただいたものとみなします。 ご予約の手続が完了し、第2.4条に基づき当社がお客様に対しバウチャーを発行した時点をもって、お客様とサプライヤーとの間で送迎サービス契約が成立し、当該時点からお客様とサプライヤーとの間にも本利用規約が適用されることになります。 |
1.3 | いかなる場合も本利用規約に同意いただけない場合は本サービスを提供することができません。 |
2.1 | ご予約いただけるのはサービス利用日時の48時間前までとなります。 |
2.2 |
サプライヤーの事情によりご予約をお断りすることがあります。 当社はお客様からのご依頼について、サプライヤーがお客様に送迎サービスを提供することを保証するものではありません。 ご予約をお断りさせていただく際には、予約時にご入力いただいたメールアドレスにお知らせをさせていただきます。 当社の判断により代替となる手段を提案させていただく場合もありますが、その際に発生する追加料金について、当社またはサプライヤーが補償することはできません。 手配が完了するまでサプライヤーの情報はお客様へお知らせすることはできません。 |
2.3 |
サービスの手配に必要となる個人情報につきましては、ご予約時に当社に正確にお知らせ(ご入力)いただく必要があります。 ご入力いただいたお客様の情報が真実かつ正確ではない、または不足していると当社が判断した場合、当社の判断で利用契約をキャンセルさせていただきます。 |
2.4 |
ご予約の手続が完了し、当社にてお支払いを確認後にバウチャーを発行いたします。当社にてお客様のお支払いが確認できない場合、当社の判断で利用契約をキャンセルさせていただきます。 バウチャーには、送迎サービスのご利用日、サプライヤーの連絡先、また現地での緊急連絡先等が記載されておりますので、ご利用前に必ずご確認ください。 バウチャーに誤りが見受けられた場合は当社にご連絡をいただけますようお願いいたします。 予約時にご入力いただいた情報をもとにバウチャーを作成しております。 お客様のご入力の誤りによって、本サービスまたは送迎サービスの提供ができない等の事態が発生した場合でも、当社またはサプライヤーは一切の責任を負いません。 |
2.5 |
手配する車種に関して、サプライヤー、地域、国によって異なります。 具体的な車種のご指定は承っておりません。 |
3.1 |
お客様は、本サービスを通じてご予約いただいた内容に従って、本サービスにかかる料金(以降「料金」)を当社に支払う義務があります。 お客様は、料金を、本サービスを通じて当社の定める方法により事前決済する必要があります。 |
3.2 |
ご予約にかかる申込後、サプライヤーへの手配時にやむをえない事情により料金を変更させていただく場合がございます。 料金について予約の申込時より変更させていただく場合は当社から連絡をさせていただき、当該変更後の料金にて送迎サービスをご利用されるかを確認させていただきます。 キャンセルをご希望される場合はお支払いいただいた料金を全額返金致します。 |
3.3 | 当社Webサイトに掲載されている料金は車1台ごとの料金となり、ご利用人数によって値段が変わることはありません。なお、お客様は、お客様のご利用人数および積載量に鑑み、当社またはサプライヤーの判断で車を追加手配する場合があること、この場合に追加料金が発生する場合があることについて、予め了承するものとします。 |
3.4 |
お支払い方法はクレジットカードまたはデビットカードのみとなります。 お支払い時に発生する手数料はお客様のご負担となります。 |
3.5 |
旅行代理店を通じて本サービスを利用し、送迎サービスにかかる予約をされた場合、当社は当該旅行代理店より料金を受け取り、サプライヤーの確認が取れ次第、お客様のご予約を確定いたします。 この場合、当社が旅行代理店から料金を受け取るまでの間、当社は本サービスまたは送迎サービスに関し当社の故意または重過失による場合を除き、一切の責任を負いません。 |
6.1 | お客様は、ご予約完了後も、次の事由が生じた場合には、当社またはサプライヤーの判断で、送迎サービスにかかるご予約内容の変更またはキャンセルが行われる場合があることに、予め同意するものとします。 |
6.2 | 当社は前項各号の事由により送迎サービスの予約内容を変更する場合、お客様に迅速に連絡をさせていただき、変更後の送迎サービスをご利用されるかの確認をさせていただきます。 |
6.3 | 送迎サービスにかかる予約内容が変更またはキャンセルされた場合の料金の精算方法は、別途当社が定める場合を除き、次に定めるところによるものとします。但し、送迎サービスにかかる予約内容の変更またはキャンセルがお客様の責めに帰すべき事由に基づくと認められる場合、当社は、当社の合理的な判断に基づき料金を返金しない場合があります。 |
6.4 | 当社は、サプライヤーの都合等に基づき予約内容の変更またはキャンセルがなされた場合において、当社の判断で代替サービスを無料で手配させていただく場合がございますが、代替サービスの手配を確約するものではなく、また当社が無料で提供する他に必要となる費用については当社では負担いたしかねます。 |
6.5 | お客様の責めに帰すべき事由により送迎サービスにかかる予約内容の変更またはキャンセルがなされた場合、お客様は、当該予約内容の変更またはキャンセルにより当社が被った損害を賠償するものとします。 |
7.1 |
当社はサプライヤーへの配車予約の代行を行う会社として運営しております。 本サービスおよび送迎サービスご利用時に生じるすべての問題に対して責任を負うものではありません。 当社はサプライヤーから提供される送迎サービスの情報を本サイトにて掲載いたしますが、その真実性、正確性、完全性、有用性および最新性について、当社の故意または重過失による場合を除き、一切保証しません。 当社は、お客様から頂いた予約内容をサプライヤーへ伝達いたしますが、当社の故意または重過失による場合を除き、当該伝達によりサプライヤーが予約内容を正確に確認することを保証するものではありません。 お客様がサプライヤーから受ける送迎サービスに関する責任はサプライヤーが負うものとし、当社は、本利用規約に定める範囲を超えて責任を負わないものとします。 ご利用時に起きた所持品の紛失、破損またはケガ、死亡事故等はサプライヤーに直接賠償責任を求めるか、お客様が加入されている保険会社にお申し付けください。当社は、当社の故意または重過失による場合を除き、これらの事由による責任を負いません。 |
7.2 |
送迎サービスの内容に関しましては事前に当社がサプライヤーから受けた情報をお客様に提供しております。 サプライヤーが当社への事前報告なく変更された送迎サービスの内容や不正確な情報に関しましては、当社の故意または重過失による場合を除き、当社は一切の責任を負いません。 |
7.3 | 当社は、本サービスにかかるコンピューター・システムの点検または保守作業を行う場合、当社とサプライヤーとの契約が変更または終了した場合その他当社が本サービスの停止または中断を合理的に必要と判断した場合には、お客様に事前に通知することなく、本サービスの利用の全部または一部を停止または中断することができるものとします。当社の措置によりお客様に損害が生じた場合でも、当社は、当社の故意または重過失による場合を除き、一切の責任を負いません。 |
7.4 | 当社は、当社の合理的な判断により、本サービスの提供を終了することができます。当社の措置によりお客様に損害が生じた場合でも、当社は、当社の故意または重過失による場合を除き、一切の責任を負いません。 |
7.5 |
消費者契約法その他の強行法規の適用その他何らかの理由により、当社がお客様に対して損害賠償責任を負う場合においても、当社の故意または重過失による場合を除き、当社の賠償責任はお客様がご利用された当該損害にかかる本サービスの料金の2倍分を上限とします。 その賠償金は被害を被った方にのみお支払いさせていただきます。 |
11.1 | 当社は、お客様が以下の各号のいずれかの事由に該当する場合は、事前に通知または催告することなく、本サービスの利用を一時的に停止し、利用契約を解除することができます。 |
11.2 | 利用契約が解除された場合、お客様とサプライヤーとの間で成立した送迎サービス契約についてお客様がキャンセルを申し込んだものとみなし、第5条を適用するものとします。 |
12.1 | 送迎サービスをご利用中に事故や問題が発生した場合、サプライヤーにご報告をいただくか、バウチャーに記載してある連絡先へご連絡をお願いいたします。 |
12.2 |
ご利用後、本サービスに関するご意見につきましては、[email protected] にご連絡ください。 ご連絡をいただいてから4週間以内にご報告させていただきます。 |
12.3 | 本サービスご利用日から4週間以上経過した後に当社にお問い合わせいただいた場合、対応ができない場合がございます。 |
13.1 | 当社は、本利用規約に基づく当社の権利と義務の一部または全部を譲渡または委譲することができることとします。 |
13.2 |
本利用規約は当社の判断により予告なく変更することがあります。 ご予約される前に必ずご確認ください。 ご予約完了後に本利用規約が変更された場合、お客様が本サービスをご予約された時点の利用規約が適応されます。 |
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
Table of Contents
Chapter I. | General Provisions (Article 1) |
Chapter II. | Acceptance of Transportation (Articles 2 through 9) |
Chapter III. | Delivery of Parcels (Articles 10 through 14) |
Chapter IV. | Instructions (Articles 15 and 16) |
Chapter V. | Accidents (Articles 17 through 19) |
Chapter VI. | Liability (Articles 20 through 29) |
1. | These Terms and Conditions shall apply to transportation of parcels to which TA-Q-BIN rates apply. |
2. | Any matters not provided for in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by laws and regulations or general practice. |
3. | Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yamato”) may accept offers for special agreements to the extent that it does not violate laws and regulations. |
(Date and Time of Acceptance)
1. | Yamato shall set the dates and hours to accept parcels and post it at its branch offices and other offices. |
2. | When changing the dates and hours to accept parcels set forth in the preceding paragraph, Yamato shall post the new date and time at its branch offices and other offices in advance. |
1. | When accepting transportation of parcels, Yamato shall issue a separate waybill for every parcel stating the following information. In such case, the information referred to in items (1) through (6) shall be entered by the consignor and the information referred to in items (7) through (16) shall be entered by Yamato; provided, however, that Yamato may omit to enter the information referred to in item (11): |
2. | The waybill set forth in the preceding paragraph may be issued by electromagnetic means. |
(Inspection of Contents of Parcels)
1. | If there is any doubt about the contents of the parcel or any special cautions for transportation on the waybill, Yamato may inspect them with the consent of the consignor and in its presence. |
2. | In the case where Yamato has inspected pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, if the inspection has shown that there is no difference between the contents of the parcel or special cautions for transportation and what the consignor has stated, Yamato shall compensate for any damages arising from the inspection. |
3. | In the case where Yamato has inspected pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1, if the inspection has shown that there is a difference between the contents of the parcel or special cautions for transportation and what the consignor has stated, the consignor shall bear the expenses for the inspection. |
1. | The consignor shall pack the parcel in a manner suitable for transportation in accordance with the nature, weight and volume, etc. of the parcel. |
2. | If the packing of a parcel is not suitable for transportation, Yamato shall request that the consignor pack the parcel as required pack the parcel as required at the expense of the consignor. |
1. | Yamato may refuse to accept transportation of parcels if any of the following applies: |
2. | If Yamato decides not to transport the parcel because it becomes aware after accepting the transportation that item (5) or (6) of the preceding paragraph applies, Yamato shall notify the consignor to that effect without delay and return the parcel to the consignor. |
3. | The cost for shipping back the parcel pursuant to the preceding paragraph may be borne by the consignor. |
(Outer Package Label)
When receiving a parcel, Yamato shall affix on the outer packing of the parcel a label stating the information listed in items (1) through (8), items (10) and (11) (except where there is no written information) and items (14) and (15) of Article 3, paragraph 1, and other necessary information.
(Receipt of Freight Charges, etc.)
1. | When receiving parcels, Yamato shall be entitled to receive freight charges and other expenses related to transportation which Yamato has reported to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (hereinafter referred to as “Freight Charges, etc.”). |
2. | Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Yamato may permit the Freight Charges, etc. to be received from the consignee upon delivery of the parcels. |
3. | Yamato shall post Freight Charges, etc. at its branch offices and other offices. |
4. | Yamato shall not rebate any part of the received Freight Charges, etc. |
(Connecting Transportation or Consigned Forwarding)
To the extent not prejudicial to the consignor’s interests, Yamato may transport the accepted parcels in cooperation with any other facilities for transportation or by utilizing transportation of any other motor truck transportation company or any other facilities for transportation.
(Date of Delivery of Parcels, Etc.)
1. | Yamato shall deliver parcels by the following scheduled delivery date of parcels; provided, however, that Yamato may deliver parcels on the day following the scheduled delivery date due to traffic conditions or other reasons: |
2. | Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a Desired Delivery Date has been indicated by the consignor on the waybill and Yamato has accepted the transportation thereof, Yamato shall deliver the parcel on the Desired Delivery Date; provided, however, that Yamato may deliver the same on the day following the Desired Delivery Date due to traffic conditions or other reasons. |
3. | If a Delivery Time Zone has been indicated by the consignor on the waybill and Yamato has accepted the transportation thereof, Yamato shall deliver the parcel within the Delivery Time Zone as set forth in the following items: |
4. | Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, if an intended use and the date and time of delivery for the parcel have been indicated on the waybill and Yamato has accepted the transportation thereof, Yamato shall deliver the parcel by the delivery date and time stated on the waybill. |
(Delivery to Person Other Than the Consignee, Etc.)
1. | Yamato shall deem delivery of a parcel to any person as set forth in any of the following items to be the delivery to the consignee: |
2. | Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the case where the consignee specifies a manner of receiving a parcel (including placing a parcel at a place that is recognized as a place for storing the parcel that is not contrary to socially accepted norms and that is specified by the consignee) in accordance with the manner designated by Yamato, Yamato shall deem delivery of the parcel in such manner to be the delivery to the consignee. |
(Measures to Be Taken in the Absence of Consignee, Etc.)
1. | In the case where Yamato is unable to deliver a parcel due to the absence of the consignee or any other person set forth in the preceding Article, Yamato shall take custody of the parcel at any of its branch offices or other offices, etc. after giving the consignee a written notice to that effect stating the date and time when Yamato attempted to deliver the parcel, the name of Yamato, the contact telephone number and other information necessary to deliver the parcel (hereinafter referred to as “Attempted Delivery Notice”). |
2. | Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, Yamato may entrust a neighbor of the consignee (including his/her concierge if the consignee is living in an apartment house, etc.) with delivery of the parcel to the consignee, by obtaining the consent of the neighbor. In such case, the name of the neighbor whom Yamato has entrusted with delivery of the parcel shall be stated on the Attempted Delivery Notice. |
3. | Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 1, as for apartment houses, etc. having a cabinet dedicated for receipt of parcels that makes it possible to ensure safe custody and storage of parcels (hereinafter referred to as “Delivery Locker”), Yamato may put a parcel in the Delivery Locker by way of delivery of the parcel to the consignee. In such case, Yamato shall notify the consignee by stating on an Attempted Delivery Notice to the effect that the parcel has been put in the Delivery Locker or by attaching a “delivery notice, etc.” |
4. | Yamato may change the delivery date and time and/or the delivery destination of the parcel if so requested by the consignee in accordance with the manner designated by Yamato; provided, however, that this shall not apply to parcels with a clear statement at a visible location on their outer packing or waybill saying that they do not require forwarding, etc. |
(Measures in Cases Where Yamato is Unable to Deliver)
1. | If Yamato is unable to identify the consignee, or if the consignee refuses to receive a parcel, or is unable to receive a parcel for any other reason, Yamato shall, without delay, request instructions from the consignor on the disposition of the parcel, specifying a reasonable period of time. |
2. | The consignor shall bear the expenses incurred by Yamato in requesting instructions and in disposing of the parcel in accordance with such instructions as set forth in the preceding paragraph. |
(Disposition of Parcels That Yamato is Unable to Deliver)
1. | If there are no instructions as set forth in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article within a reasonable period of time, Yamato may sell or otherwise dispose of the parcel in the presence of an impartial third party, after giving advance notice to the consignor and taking custody of the parcel until the day on which three (3) months have elapsed from the day on which Yamato requested instructions from the consignor; provided, however, that in the case where the parcel is perishable or decaying, if there are no instructions within a reasonable period of time, Yamato may immediately sell or otherwise dispose of the parcel after giving advance notice to the consignor. |
2. | In the case where Yamato has disposed of the parcel pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Yamato shall notify the consignor thereof without delay. |
3. | In the case where Yamato has disposed of the parcel pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1, Yamato shall apply the proceeds from the disposition to the expenses incurred by Yamato in requesting instructions and in taking custody and disposing of the parcel. If the proceeds are less than the expenses, Yamato shall demand payment of the shortfall from the consignor, and if the proceeds exceed the expenses, Yamato shall refund the excess to the consignor. |
1. | The consignor may give instructions to Yamato on cancellation of transportation, return, forwarding or other disposition of the parcel. |
2. | The consignor shall not be entitled to exercise its right set forth in the preceding paragraph when the parcel is delivered to the consignee. |
3. | The consignor shall bear the expenses incurred by Yamato in disposing of the parcel in accordance the instructions set forth in paragraph 1. |
(Cases Where Yamato Does Not Observe Instructions)
1. | Yamato may not observe instructions from the consignor if Yamato considers that observing the instructions might pose an obstacle to transportation. |
2. | When Yamato does not observe instructions pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Yamato shall notify the consignor thereof without delay. |
(Measures in Case of Accidents)
1. | When a loss of the parcel is discovered, Yamato shall notify the consignor thereof without delay. |
2. | On discovering significant damage to the parcel, or on finding the delivery of the parcel to be significantly delayed beyond the scheduled delivery date of the parcel or the Desired Delivery Date, Yamato shall, without delay, request instructions from the consignor on the disposition of the parcel, specifying a reasonable period of time. |
3. | In the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, if there is no time to wait for instructions from the consignor, or if there are no instructions within the period specified by Yamato, Yamato shall cancel transportation of, return, or otherwise properly dispose of the parcel, for the benefit of the consignor. |
4. | When disposing of the parcel pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Yamato shall notify the consignor thereof without delay. |
5. | Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, Yamato may not observe instructions from the consignor if Yamato considers that observing the instructions would pose an obstacle to transportation. |
6. | When Yamato does not observe instructions pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Yamato shall notify the consignor thereof without delay. |
7. | The expenses incurred by Yamato in requesting instructions and disposing of a parcel in accordance with the instructions as set forth in paragraph 2, or in disposing of the parcel pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 3 shall be borne by the consignor, if the damage of the parcel or a delay in delivery thereof is attributable to the consignor or due to the nature of or a defect in the parcel. Such expenses shall be borne by Yamato in other cases. |
(Disposal of Hazardous Materials, Etc.)
1. | If, in the course of transportation, Yamato becomes aware that the parcel falls under Article 6, paragraph 1, item (7) (a), Yamato shall unload the parcel or otherwise take disposition necessary to prevent damage related to transportation. |
2. | The consignor shall bear the expenses incurred by Yamato in disposing of the parcel set forth in the preceding paragraph. |
3. | When disposing of the parcel pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1, Yamato shall notify the consignor thereof without delay. |
(Issue of Accident Certificate)
1. | When Yamato is requested to certify a loss of the parcel within one (1) year after the scheduled delivery date of the parcel or the Desired Delivery Date, Yamato shall issue an accident certificate. |
2. | When Yamato is requested to certify damage to a parcel or a delay in delivery thereof within fourteen (14) days of the date of delivery of the parcel, Yamato shall issue an accident certificate. |
(Commencement of Liability)
The liability of Yamato for loss of or damage to the parcel shall arise when Yamato receives the parcel from the consignor.
(Liability and Burden of Proof)
Yamato shall be liable to compensate for damages resulting from loss of or damage to a parcel, the cause of loss of or damage to the parcel, or a delay in delivery of the parcel during the period from receipt to delivery of such parcel, unless Yamato proves that it or its employees or any other persons employed by it for the transportation service did not fail to take care in receipt, transportation, storage and delivery of the parcel.
(Discharge from Liability)
Yamato shall not be liable to compensate for any damages caused by loss of, damage to, or a delay in delivery of a parcel resulting from any of the following events:
1. | a defect in or natural wear and tear of the parcel; |
2. | ignition, explosion, rot, mold, decay, change in color, rust or any other similar event caused by the nature of the parcel; |
3. | labor slowdown or strike, social unrest or any other incidents or robbery; |
4. | fire started due to reasons beyond control; |
5. | an unforeseeable extraordinary hazard to traffic conditions; |
6. | an earthquake, tsunami, tidal surge, flood, storm, landslide, avalanche or any other natural disaster; |
7. | suspension of transportation, unsealing, condemnation, attachment or surrender to any third party pursuant to laws or regulations or the exercise of public authority; or |
8. | an error in writing of information to be stated by the consignor on a waybill, or other willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the consignor or the consignee. |
(Special Provisions on Parcels Subject to Restriction on Acceptance, Etc.)
1. | Yamato shall not be liable to compensate for damages resulting from loss of, damage to, or a delay in delivery of a parcel falling under Article 6, paragraph 1, item (5). |
2. | Yamato shall not be liable to compensate for damages resulting from loss of, damage to, or a delay in delivery of a parcel falling under Article 6, paragraph 1, item (7), if Yamato has accepted transportation without knowing the facts. |
3. | With respect to parcels requiring special attention during transportation, such as fragile, perishable or decaying items, if the consignor fails to state such nature of the parcel on the waybill and Yamato is not aware of such fact, Yamato shall not assume any liability for damages resulting from any loss of or damage to the parcel arising from the failure to pay special attention during transportation. |
(Special Grounds for Extinction of Liability)
1. | Yamato’s liability for damage to a parcel shall cease fourteen (14) days after the date of delivery of the parcel, unless a notice is issued within that period. |
2. | The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to any case where Yamato has delivered the parcel knowing the damage. |
(Amount of Compensation)
1. | Yamato shall pay the value of a parcel (which is the value at the place of shipment; hereinafter the same shall apply) as compensation for damages for loss of a parcel, up to the limit of liability specified in the waybill (hereinafter referred to as “Limit of Liability”). |
2. | Yamato shall compensate for damage to a parcel on the basis of the value of the parcel, according to the extent of the damage up to the Limit of Liability. |
3. | In the case where Yamato has decided to make compensation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if it is considered obvious that the consignor or the consignee may be significantly damaged, Yamato shall, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, make compensation up to the Limit of Liability. |
4. | Yamato shall compensate for damages caused by a delay in delivery of a parcel in the following manner: |
5. | If loss of or damage to a parcel and damage from a delay in delivery of the parcel occur concurrently, Yamato shall pay the sum of damages under paragraph 1, 2 or 3 and the preceding paragraph, up to the Limit of Liability. |
6. | Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding five paragraphs, in the event of loss of, damage to, or a delay in delivery of a parcel due to willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Yamato, Yamato shall compensate for any and all damages resulting therefrom. |
(Reimbursement, Etc. of Freight Charges, Etc.)
If a natural disaster or other unavoidable event or any event attributable to Yamato causes loss of, serious damage to, or a delay in delivery of a parcel (only in the case referred to in Article 10, paragraph 4), Yamato shall reimburse the Freight Charges, etc. In such case, the consignor shall not claim any Freight Charges, etc., if Yamato has not yet received them.
(Statute of Limitation)
1. | Yamato’s liability shall cease if no judicial claim is made within one (1) year from the date of delivery of a parcel (or in the case of a total loss of the parcel, the day on which the parcel is to be delivered). |
2. | The period set forth in the preceding paragraph may be extended by agreement only after the occurrence of damage to the parcel due to loss, etc. |
(Liability in Connecting Transportation or Consigned Forwarding)
Even in the case where Yamato transports parcels in cooperation with any other facilities for transportation or by utilizing transportation of any other freight truck transportation company or any other facilities for transportation, Yamato shall assume liability for transportation in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
(Consignor’s Liability for Compensation)
The consignor shall be liable to compensate Yamato for damages incurred by Yamato due to a defect in or the nature of the parcel; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case where the consignor, without negligence, had no knowledge of such defect in or nature of the parcel, or Yamato did have knowledge thereof.
June 2024
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
2-16-10 Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo